How do I pay my Bill?
Bills may be paid by mailing your payment to the following address: Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority PO Box 1169 Majuro, MH 96960 You may also pay your bill in person at our main office in Delap, Majuro or NTA Administration Office in Ebeye. In addition, BOMI accepts telephone bill payments at all BOMI Branches.
Executives PDF Print E-mail


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President & CEO - Thomas Jr. Kijiner

Vice President & Chief Operations Officer - Yoshi T. Kaneko

Vice President & Chief Technical Officer - Michael Sawej

Chief Finance Officer - Phil Marshall

Executive Secretary - Wida Johnson - Term

Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority P.O. Box 1169 Majuro Marshall Islands 96960 Tel: (692) 625-3852 Fax: (692) 625-3952 Copyright 2012 Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority. All rights reserved. support@ntamar.net